Miriam Rieck
Artist portfolio website
A portfolio website and a
typeface for an interdiciplinary
contempory artist.
The 3D rendert head on the website is interactive and follows the user (mouse), thus the
roles of active and passive are switching. The user is observered by the artist.
The Typeface is clear and experimentalin, it comes in three variants of expressivness.
Graphic design
These are some Posters for events I designed recently, aswell as two lectures.
How to be Breakfast
Interactive animation website
A research project, in which I want to find posible intersection between illustartion,
animation and programming. People can control and manipulate the illustrations with body
movments and gestures.
This art project funded by the region of NRW, I tryed to find new posible outcomes by
combining two diffrent medias. The magic of drawn animation, where static images become
alive expanded by gesture controlled interaction.
E.g. by moving your head left and right, the drawn perspektive will change accordingly, thus
the illusion of a romm in which we can look arises.
Interactive exhibition and design
Exhibition with a focus on the structure in which we work and how it creates the form of the resulting outcome. Interative room/soundscape instalation and graphic elements.
Nothing is nothing.
Art archive & showcase website
Research platform in collaboration with artists and contemporary dancers to find new
intersections through the websites posibilities of combining freely all the research
The structure of the website had becomme
the mayne element of the project. Through the
combined Elements further Inerative side-
projects developed and are presented.
Queer Film Festival
Graphic design
Hannah Krebs
Dance artist portfolio
Portfolio for a contemporary Dancer. The Website is based on the idea of a booklet or sketchbook. Clear with a few little playful details.
CD Cover
Podcast & EP Cover
2D & 3D Animation
Mixed media animations with 3D and 2D elements, aswell as scanning and photogametrie. The
movie consists out of the most used words by conspiracy theorists. With the topic of
information and the perseption formed by the use of specific speech.
2D animation about Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing.
3D animation intro and outro for the movie 'slowdown'